The ‘Architect Blueprint’ suggests you know your own capabilities, and also the ‘lay of the land’ meaning the environment. To that end, I have created a series of videos that explain basic terms in black & white, using a whiteboard.
These videos are only one minute each, so you can watch them all in one go, or refer to them when the term shows up somewhere and you don’t understand.
The thread that binds them together is –
Start with big picture
How does the economy work (What is the Economy & GDP?) and what’s the role of finance in it? (What is Finance?)
Zoom into ‘investing’
What is investing? (What is Investing?)
What is the market (What is the Market?) and indices (What are Indices?) that TV people keep referring to?
What’s the difference between price and value? (What’s the difference between price and value?)
Investing in debt
If you lend money (debt), you need to understand inflation (What is Inflation & CPI?) and interest rates (What is an Interest Rate?).
Investing in equity
If you take a share (equity), you need to understand dividends (What are Dividends?) and capital gains (What are Capital Gains?).
Building portfolios – asset classes and asset allocation
The industry groups various debt and equity, along with your house and jewelry into asset classes (What are Asset Classes?). Then invents other new categories called alternatives(What are Alternatives?).
And then makes a big mess of allocating your money amongst all of them calling it asset allocation.(What is Asset Allocation?)
Keep it simple
If you don’t have time, how do you invest? – You pool money in funds (What are Funds?), specifically mutual funds (What are Mutual Funds?). There are equity funds (What types of Equity Funds are there?), and there are debt funds (How Risky are Debt Funds?).
If you’re confused simply start with ETFs (1. What are Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)?).
Please let us know what other terms trip you up and we will make a video on it.
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