Learn about personal finance and financial planning
So you want to start investing and don’t know where to start? This post will outline key concepts and then provide links to actually start investing…check this post regularly over the next few weeks What is investing? We have provided a high level outline with links to 18 one-minute videos in this post …please watch
People don’t talk about money; women even less so. Strangely, money is still one of the taboo topics in Indian society, along with sex even as politics and religious discussions have become a norm in living rooms. I asked my girlfriends about why they think this is – they simply shrugged and said something along
Before you start on a journey, you need to know the destination. At least the general direction. Similarly, the first step (ok, maybe after understanding your relationship with money as http://www.themoneyhans.com/plan/ When planning your holiday, you may look at pictures of possible destinations. When planning your home renovation, you may put together a mood or
In this teaser for the web-series I made last year, the all-knowing finance professional Mr Sikka says ‘Finance is when savers invest in the real economy…hedge their risks through various financial instruments…and understanding your risk profile by coming up with optimum asset allocation.’ What??!! Sikka is not wrong. But because he, like other finance professionals,
I had just finished a graduate diploma in applied finance and investments. With distinctions in a few subjects. I was feeling confident too. I had just got the job as an analyst by writing to the CEOs of leading research houses and investment consulting firms. Ok, perhaps, bordering on over-confident. I was 23. When I
The Guardian has one. The New York Times has one. Sydney Morning Herald has one too. The Times Of India has one too. Most newspapers have a personal finance column. Obviously money is a popular topic. I must have read thousands of personal finance columns. I started writing one here about a year and half
Good journalists do a great job of synthesizing different points of view into one coherent article, simplifying it for the reader in the process. Good articles quote experts, presenting a balanced view of different opinions. Ideally, the ideas should be more important than the authors. However, when it comes to investment or financial planning advice,
You must have heard the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” But the richest investor in the world, Warren Buffett, says, “Put all your eggs in one basket and watch the basket very carefully.” Wonder why? Look at anyone who’s really rich – Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, etc. How did
Just when there are studies that show that money doesn’t lead to happiness, how can I claim that having a stash of emergency money will make you happier? Actually, the studies refer to money above a certain level. Everyone needs some money to cover basic physical needs (like food, home, clothing) and security needs (like